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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a framework that sets the standards for the learning, development, and care of children from birth to five years old in the United Kingdom. It is a statutory framework that all early years providers must follow, including childminders, preschools, nurseries, and reception classes in primary schools.

According to the Early Years Foundation Stage, there are 7 major areas of learning.

The 3 prime areas which are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development,
  • Communication and language

Plus 4 specific areas, which are:

  • Mathematics,
  • Literacy,
  • Understanding the world
  • and Expressive arts and design.


Aims for what the children will learn during their time in our nursery setting

Cooperative play is something we really appreciate. However, this requires both learning and appealing to our social instincts. The greatest method to accomplish this is to mimic what we see. As a result, our nursery teachers and educators demonstrate play and cooperation whenever possible, giving the children a feel of what it looks like. Positive reinforcement includes taking turns, acting gently, and speaking with kindness. As a result, the show will begin to ease social tensions.

English is the primary language spoken at Learning Tree Nursery in addition we introduce Arabic daily

We begin with short separation intervals because children need to trust that their carer will return. This promotes trust and mutual understanding. When these small times become the norm, we increase the length of separation. A home comforter, such as a blanket, toy, or teddy bear, can frequently be helpful. It is common for a child to cry during their early period of semi-independence in kindergarten. Remember that this is a normal and healthy reaction to the love you’ve shown them thus far. We also build a plan for transitions and promotions based on their personality features.

Nursery Uniform is mandatory

Uniforms include 2 sets of grey pants and dark red (maroon) polo plus a jacket for boys, 2 sets of grey skirts and dark red (maroon) polo plus a jacket for girls, are available at the nursery premises and can be purchased directly from the admin.

Potty training is strongly promoted for all children starting in preschool, with the exception of those entering the Toddler programme. However, this is not essential.

Only children who are less than 3 years will be allowed to nap after lunch. Preschoolers only receive a relaxation period following lunch, which frequently includes a read-aloud story time.

Parents can instantly access information about their children’s classroom activities, schedule, and plans via our parents application , which also includes family contact information and allows parents to update emergency contacts or the list of individuals authorized to pick up their child(ren). In addition to class-specific information, the parent app. hosts all school activities, notifications, weekly newsletters from classroom teachers, monthly reports from teachers,…etc.

Daily activities photos and videos are posted directly on the application.


All the updates (check in, check out, meals, diaper changes or toilet visits and nap) will directly pasted on the application.

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