Policy Manual

Children and Staff Safety

A secure, safe and happy childhood is so important, as children learn more when they are healthy, safe and secure; and when their individual needs are met. Learning Tree Nursery ensures that children are kept healthy and safe at all times. Staff must ensure the premises and equipment used for the purpose of childcare are safe, suitable and age appropriate.

Policy :

To uphold the policy, we must ensure the following:

  • There is always a complete first aid box available to be used by the staff or the first aiders.
  • Keep a written record of any accidents or injuries that may take place (Please refer to Accident and Incident Policy and Procedure)
  • Parents of all children involved to be informed of any accident or injury which. involved their child and they are to sign off on the form
  • Staff to ensure that the premises, including floor space, and outdoor space is suitable and safe to be used by the children (Please refer to section on Risk Assessment Policy and Procedure)
  • All the staff members must be first aid trained.
  • Keep premises and equipment clean and disinfected
  • All toys and shared equipment to be disinfected at least 2 times a week
  • Trash to taken out at 01:00 and 4:30 and in between if needed
  • Provide hygienic changing station and equipment for children in nappies/diapers
  • Ensuring the safety of all children and staff in care of a fire or any other emergency (Please refer to Emergency Evacuation Policy and Procedure)
  • Each child has access to clean bedding and spare clothes at all time.
  • Staff to only release children in the care of parents or to appointed person already notified to by parents in writing
  • NO child to leave the premises unsupervised
  • NO child to be left un-attended at any time
  • No authorized persons to enter the nursery or access area/classrooms where there are children. Visitors must sign in and sign out on the visitor form.
  • Have public liability insurance in place at all times
  • Must have regular maintenance checks carried out by the appointed maintenance company

Child Protection Policy

It may be helpful for parents to know that the law requires all staff to pass on information, which raises concern that a child may be at risk from non-accidental injury, neglect, emotional or sexual abuse.This policy is intended to protect children, and early years settling are encouraged to take the attitude that, where there are grounds for concern it is better to be overcautious than to risk a child’s safety. Occasionally, this means that they risk upsetting some parents by reporting a concern, which, on investigation, proves to be unfounded. In these circumstances, it is hoped that parents will appreciate how difficult it is for The Nursery to carry out this delicate responsibility, and accept that The Nursery was acting in good faith and had to take these steps in the best interests of children. All staff is trained to be aware of behavioral and physical indicators that suggest the possibility of abuse. Staff is aware of the procedures to be taken if they believe a child has been abused or is at risk of abuse.

Should any member of staff have any fears about a particular child, she will immediately take up the matter with the administration who may decide that further advice is needed. We will consider discussion with parents in the first instance and respect for confidentiality will be kept always.

If there is any suspicion of abuse this will be recorded and the administration will contact the parents and with mutual agreement take further action without undue delay. All staff will co-operate with any investigation and will act in accordance with the wishes of the concerned authorities. If a member of nursery staff is under suspicion, The Nursery will act in accordance with the wishes of parents, and concerned authorities. Or if a nursery parent is under suspicion, The Nursery will act in accordance with.

Policy review :

This policy will be reviewed annually, though any deficiencies or weaknesses in children protection arrangements will be remedied without delay. The Manager will undertake an annual review of the school’s Child Protection/ safeguarding policies and procedures and of the efficiency with which the related duties have been discharged.

Child Supervision

To ensure that staff are aware that every child in attendance at Learning Tree Nursery must be supervised by a staff member at all times.

  • All children who attend the nursery, upon arrival or departure to nursery, must be marked in or out on the daily attendance, in addition to the recording of daily arrival and departure on the application.
  • Daily attendance sheets must also record all children that are absent, on vacation, or absent due to illness.
  • Attendance list are to be kept with each class at all times.
  • Upon every change of task/activity, staff must verbally confirm the number of kids in attendance and check this against the attendance sheet.
  • This same procedure must be completed when leaving or returning from breaks, outdoor play, common areas, etc.
  • Head counts of children are to be completed on a frequent basis throughout the day, minimally 2 to 3 times per hour. Head counts are to be checked against the attendance sheet.
  • Head counts must be completed before and after a transition with a group of children from one activity area to another (e.g. Playroom to Playground).


In addition to headcount, when a group of children are in transition from one activity area to another, staff must retain close visual supervision of the children at all times during the transition (e.g. Children should not run ahead of the group). All completed attendance sheets must be kept on file.

Health, Nutrition and Hygiene

General Hygiene and Sanitation


Learning Tree Nursery is committed to providing and promoting a clean and hygienic environment to safeguard the physical and emotional well-being of all children and families using the nursery. This means ensuring that all staff, parents, and volunteers are aware of and follow hygiene procedures, and that children are shown the importance of good hygiene practices.

Strategies for maintaining hygiene standards:
  • Children will be shown good hygiene practices, and be told why they are important, for example, when to wash hands, how to use toilets correctly, not to use utensils or eat food that has been dropped on the floor or handled by other children.
  • All children will be encouraged to follow the basic hygiene rules independently when they are at an appropriate age.
  • The Nursery will ensure parents are aware of the hygiene policies and will provide appropriate information and advice concerning hygiene.
Personal hygiene:
  • Children will be shown how to use to toilet correctly, and to wash and dry hands after using the toilet.
  • A tissue station with a large box of tissues is available and children are encouraged to blow and wipe their noses when necessary. Soiled tissues to be disposed of hygienically.
  • Children are encouraged to shield their mouths when coughing or sneezing.
  • Hygiene rules related to bodily fluids to be followed with particular care and all staff and volunteers aware of how infections, including Hepatitis B and HIV infections, can be
  • Any cuts or open wounds are appropriately cleaned, and dressed with a waterproof Where possible, this should be carried out by staff with relevant first-aid Staff should always wear disposable gloves to do this.
Staff are instructed to wash hands:
  • Before serving children’s food
  • After assisting children using the toilet,
  • After giving any first aid,
  • After wiping children’s noses,
  • Before and after changing soiled clothes.
  • After dealing with any spillages
  • Staff should use disposable gloves when being exposed to bodily fluids.
  • On arrival at work and on departing for home.